Friday, October 2, 2009

My First Payment

Hello Online Money Hunters,
Well this week has been pretty slow. By it being my last semester of college I'm overwhelmed with my senior project and other things. But i just recieved payment from YouData, Pinecone Research, and one of my Mystery Shopping companies. So this week's total is as follows:
Corporate Research International (Mystery Shopping)= 7.25
Pinecone Research= 3.00
Youdata= 1.48
For the grand total of :drumroll:

Not bad for my first week of really half assing the job. But I will vow to increase every week.

~$11.73 towards student loan debt~ * Does the happy dance*
P.S- if anyone out there in the blogosphere knows how to do screen snapshots i would really appreciate the knowledge so i can have proof of my earnings.
Have a good week hunting!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Current online sites I am making money with

Ok so as a starting point I will list what companies I am currently signed up for to earn money.

Swagbucks= Basically you get paid for searching. Instead of just going through google you can download the Swagbucks toolbar and search. Great way to earn money for something you do during online surfing anyway! The Swagbucks can be redeemed for cash (via paypal)and prizes in the Swagstore. Click the banner below to get started earning!
Search & Win is a legit site that you can earn money with by filling out surveys, questionarres, trying new offers, and joining websites. Click below to get started!

Youdata= Thanks to Reanna over at I found out about Youdata which is a very good Get Paid to (GPT)site that pays EVERY Friday via paypal. You just fill out your profile and get paid to look at Ads that appeal to you! Can you say EASY MONEY! Click this link to have ADs personalized for you!

DealBarbiePaysFast= This site pays daily with a $1 minimum payout. Pretty much the same concept as cashcrate. But I find that the offers clear alot faster. Click the banner below to get started.


Hey Everyone,
I wanted to do a brief introduction on why I am starting this blog. I am graduating this December from college with a Bachelor's degree in Communications. I'm really excited, however I am not excited about the $9,000 student loan I have to pay back starting in June 2010. Even though this a WHOLE lot less than what the average college student has to pay pack upon a 4 yr degree, I am still worried because we are in the midst of a Recession/Depression (depending on who you ask).
So last year I started looking for ways to make money online. After getting ripped off by at least $200 I decided to change the wording around in Google to "make money online for FREE".
I stumbled on last year where I made about $40 in 2 months but as my course load picked up I slowly slacked off.
So this will be a journal of sorts to document my journey on raising money online to lower my student loan debt and maybe some fun freebies along the way :)

Track my earnings with CashCrate!